Tag Archives: fann wong

The Wedding of the Year – Part 2


I’ve never really had the chance to work with Fann on any drama. The closest encounter was in the drama MAKING MIRACLES, where she played a doctor and I, a nurse, but still I didn’t have any direct scenes with her. She always strike me a very strong woman, for working the way she does, putting in the number of hours and still always looking so radiant. I admire her for her poise and charisma because there’s something about her that draws you in yet leaves you hanging for more. She is the role model for the rest of us in the industry.


I’ve worked with Christopher on BEACH BALL BABES. We weren’t close, but I could tell, he’s very much in love with his wife from the way her name hangs on his lips quite often. I like that when he was interviewed last night whether or not it was tedious preparing for such a massive wedding that he was forthright about it being tough as opposed to giving a politically pleasing answer. He’s charismatic to women and still remains a guy’s guy. He has good camaraderie with his co-stars and strikes up rapport with the crew and director off camera. He’s the guy everyone enjoys working with.


There is something inspiring about their relationship because it must not be easy being two high profile celebrities, who not only have to put up with media attention but also have to endure the trials and tribulations of being separated when one is filming in a foreign land for months at a go. When I see the two of them in the make-up room, there is something magnetic about the chemistry they share just being side by side that makes me embarrassed to be even breathing the same air. That’s what love in the air is like. It taught me that love can be without words.

There is hope that we will all find the right one someday too.

I wish them all the best in their careers and family building.


Irene had one of the toughest jobs last night as one of the hosts for the wedding of Chris and Fann.


Bryan Wong was my table partner. There were photographers taking photographs of guests and developing them on the spot for us.


It was very hard to catch a picture of the couple because they were always surrounded by their entourage, photographers and excited guests.


Belinda Lee and Trey, freelance stylist.


Trey is the funniest person I know and we always have a good laugh every time we meet.

Belinda Lee and I were filming the long drama YOUR HAND IN MINE just before the wedding dinner.

Belinda Lee and I were filming in the same scene for the long drama YOUR HAND IN MINE just before the wedding dinner.


I love Jin-jie's outfit. The shade of green looks good on her. Here's how to look oriental and still remain elegant.


Jin-jie, Jacelyn Tay, Eileen and I.


Jack and I.


Here's a warped picture of Karen and I because I tweaked the settings on my camera. I thought this was quite cool. I love her outfit from Balmain. She got it from Paris!


Another happy couple! I love seeing blissfully married couples, they make me cry!


Thomas used to be my managerial executive when I was still a newbie. It was so good to see him!


Patricia (left) bantered with Irene Ang on stage for a bit. He Yong Fang (right) used to host City Beat with Bryan Wong when I was still in primary school. I remembered because I bumped into them at the Science Centre once and she obliged a photo with my classmates and I.


Dr Georgia Lee and I, both in blue. 🙂


This is Gary, stylist from Passion.


Jesseca came over to sit with Dawn and I after the second course was served. It was nice to have girls' talk. Haha!


Jeremy, Ben, me and Keith.


Ok, everyone's a bit buzzed here...haha!


The stylists from Passion, with some crashers like Clarence, me and Keith. Oops...can you make out the blurred face the back who is trying to get into the picture?


"Ah Bu" was so happy last night!


The couple, as they move from table to table. The "brothers" look like they are strategising the next move.


I was lucky to be able to sneak a picture with the beautiful bride before she was whisked off to the next table. Her happiness is infectious!

Wedding of the Year – Part 1

It was the Wedding of The Year as we celebrate the marriage of Christopher Lee and Fann Wong, and true to its name, I was completely awed by the effort put into organising this massive wedding. As I walked to the ballroom of Shangri-La, where the wedding was held, the lobby was quiet and there were even hotel staff holding placards to another event.

I was not ready for what was to come.

If you’ve been to Shangri-La’s ballroom, you will know that there a little “runway” which leads to the ballroom where panels lined the side and hotel staff stand by each panel to greet and usher you in. Last night, that turned into the Hall of Fame. At the end of this “runway” were throngs of photographers and journalists all camped out in a nice corner, taking photos, videos and interviews of the guests who arrived. You almost can’t slip into the reception unnoticed, unless you turned up late of course.

Into the reception and recording of 《芳心有李》, a variety show dedicated to tell the story of the lovebirds right up to their wedding day, was already in progress. There were bottlenecks everywhere, and mind you, the reception area is huge! Everyone was just catching up with one another, old friends, old colleagues. I was quite overwhelmed, it’s like you see so many people you know, but you don’t have time to properly say hi to one before another familiar nudge turns you around to yet another familiar face.

The dress code for the night was glamorous. Long sweeping gowns, beautifully done-up hair and extensive jewelry display. People you meet at work who don’t normally have make-up on now look completely different with make-up and shoulder-baring dresses. It was a gorgeous night to celebrate the union of a gorgeous couple.

I have over 40 pictures to share, but right now, I can only show some as I edit and compile the rest of it in the next entry. Look out for it!


Keith Png and I. Can you see the crowd in the back?


Christopher, Kyle and me.


Christina aka Kyle's mom, and I.


Jessica, me, Yahui and Andie


The ballroom was transformed into a rather magical land. Regardless of what the intended theme was, I felt like Alice in Wonderland.


These table decorations remind me of the magical woods. Something out of an Enid Blyton book when I was a kid.


The newly-weds. With so many people crowding around them at each time, we get a better view from the two large screens placed on each end of the ballroom.


"Half-time", we got out of the ballroom for a breather. Here's Jesseca and I.


They have a standee of them! With so many guests invited, those who didn't get a chance to pose for a picture with the real couple had an alternative. Haha! Reminds me of the caricatures from their movie THE WEDDING GAME, except this one looks more like them!


Here's a group of people who work long and hard, behind the scenes, on a typical work day in MediaCorp.


Justin's the stylist for my long drama YOUR HAND IN MINE. He gets me the beautiful clothes you see me wear on television for the drama.


Josh Bryan Ho, friend and regular make-up artiste.


Ryan Yap, the man behind many celebrities' hair at Passion.


She wishes to remain anonymous.


Joan from the make-up unit.


Lebon, freelance fashion stylist.


Danny, freelance make-up artiste.


These tablets allowed guests to write their well wishes to the couple. So little space, so much to say...

Star Awards 红星大奖 2009

尝试了新的呈现方式, 一目了然。

嘿嘿。。。当天用了别人的相机,结果自己拍的照片不是很多,oops. 本来想用黑白效果制造时尚照,哎,可是我的相机的镜头脏了没发现,所以有些照片是蒙蒙的。:(

红星大奖已经过了差不多一个星期了,我还没有在博客上发表,因为实在有点忙。颁奖典礼当晚后还有庆功宴,之后因为大家都走了,所以得开车到 stylist 的家还身上穿的 Hervé Léger bandage dress,隔天早上七点报道化妆拍戏。真不好意思,不能和在外头久等的粉丝多拍几张照,结果赶到连你们拍的照片都蒙了。希望很快会有机会和大家再见面。



抱歉,多希望自己有所准备上台时能稳稳的,不过当时的心情真的难以形容。坐在台下等待颁奖的那一刻,心情很乱。幻想如果叫了我的名字是什么样的感觉,上台要说什么,但还没搞清楚,又告诉自己不可能的,应该不会叫我的名字,心里又期待又害怕,反反复复,头脑一片混乱,情绪澎湃。答案揭晓的时候,仿佛脑袋的电线插头被人扯掉了,突然进入auto mode,上台,领奖,致谢,脑袋一片空白。一直在挣扎想要说什么,可是一切发生的这么突然,时间又不多,担心警铃会响,说到断声多尴尬啊,劈里啪啦赶快说完后,还不知如何反应。后台看到我的 stylist Jeremy 兴奋得很,还有各评daddy,抱着我,恭喜我,说“Ger ger, see I told you.” 我就哭了稀里哗啦,很感动。然后被经理人牵着说要出去访问,我跟她说怎么办,我的头脑很空,一时不知道要说什么。乱七八糟!


那一晚本来就只穿一件晚礼服,因为之前没有试穿过 Hervé Léger 的那一件,可是Jeremy在我做完访问后拉了我上去说换衣,我也就照做。大家都很紧张因为正在颁十大最受欢迎男艺人,一边挤进裙子的时候,心想这么匆忙,万一换了衣服又没有机会上台亮相会不会好像很多余?还没想到结果就已经坐在台下了,心情镇定了很多,完全没有压力。我想如果我的名字正好到后面才叫的话,可能会紧张,尤其如果大家认定你一定会进。一个人坐在前排的感觉很尴尬,去年尝过了,身边的女艺人都上台留下我一个,失望倒不会,反而尴尬到想找个洞钻进去。

我只能说我很幸运,这一路走来不容易,这是很大的鼓励。很多人事后都发简讯来恭喜我,我在博客,facebook,twitter 也收到了不少祝贺,谢谢你们。当然也有一群人认为我不应该得这个奖。这一切都不在我控制范围内,当初我也说过,如果时机未成熟,我不会强求,但评审决定颁这个奖给我,给我很大的信心和肯定。得奖并不代表已经到了终点,只是告诉我找对了路。要走的路还很长,当然能进步的空间也还很多,不过至少我已在起点立足。这对我来说很值得高兴!高兴不是因为有什么成就,而是因为我看见了自己迷失、跌倒、受伤再爬起来的过程。我的人生多一篇丰富的内容。

