Tag Archives: fashion show

Peaked-shoulder jacket



I am in need of Balmain's peak-shoulder jacket in my wardrobe.

The peaked-shoulder jacket in Christophe Decarnin’s Balmain’s collection has gone through a couple of seasons, transforming with different fabrics, but pretty much keeping the same shape. This design evolved from the 1980s when shoulder-pads were the norm. When I was younger, my mom used to love making clothes. I remembered shoulder-pads were a must-have for most of her blouses and jackets. You may think wearing jackets regularly in our climate is ridiculous, but I beg to differ. Our malls are sometimes blasting with temperatures that simulate Spring in some countries, so I think it’s reasonable excuse to dress up.

The shape of this jacket flatters ladies with narrow or sloping shoulders and would spice up an otherwise ordinary outfit. The length of the jacket shouldn’t be too long because we don’t want to look like it’s part of a superhero-type costume. Besides, I think there’s something feminine and sexy about leaving the jacket open at the waist to draw attention those hip bones.


The look taken off the runway and onto the streets of NY.

Other than jackets, the shoulder-padded blouses worn today no longer makes you look stiff or appear like you’re trying to overcompensate for a lack of bone structure. Instead, it screams “I’m different”, “I dare to take risks”.


This look is perfect for our climate! Long sleeves to protect our arms from the harmful UV rays and shorts to keep us cool. Match it with a piece of vintage accessory and the look becomes vintage chic!

I need one of these!

Bonia & Me :)

噎! Bonia 又续约了!真的好开心,又能够再次当 Bonia 的代言人。那天在 Takashimaya Square 走秀后,韵仪和老板提到我们再次为设计包包的主意,如果能有机会,那就太好了!好兴奋哦!


我虽然不是特别有设计天分,但是整个合作的过程很愉快。可能是因为 Bonia 是由一个家庭从小做起,所以和他们合作很有一家人的感觉。每次上他们的公司,或好像上回一起吃饭时,都有一种很亲切的感觉。我曾经说过,很喜欢大家庭的那种凝聚力,而跟他们在一起,就让我有这种很舒服的感受。


和老板 Mr Chiang 的合照


俊雄,心钰,Me, 韵仪,Mr Chiang, 芷绚,Jade, Mr Chiang, 展发




Tian Yang (设计我们的包包的才子)with me!


Me with my bag


Last Friday (12 Oct) was a day full of emotions for me. In the morning, I was bawling my eyes out with the rest of the cast of “A Path Of Gold”. Then in the afternoon was the Bonia fashion show, where I was really thrilled to be part of the Bonia brand once again! I was very tempted to sip the champagne in celebration, but somehow the glass didn’t come to me. *heehee*

And the long day ended with a bunch of fun-loving Jolliteers, who really brought sunshine in my heart even though it was nearly evening. Thank you all so much, for being so loving! *hugs & kisses*


I’m so lucky to be spoilt…


Big-head doggie smooches me!!




Yummy chocolate cake! I shared it with my mom and she loved it!


All solo pictures provided by Jolliteers