Tag Archives: dai yang tian

皇帽瑞狮喜迎虎 - 说不出的爱


今天晚上,8pm,Channel 8










Last Roadshow!

Come Join Us Tomorrow!

6 February 2010


Blk 280, Bukit Batok East Ave 3


皇帽瑞狮喜迎虎 1- 以爱为名

好久没有更新博客, 那是因为我正在赶拍精装电视电影系列,当然还有在拍《想握你的手》,所以就特别忙。今晚抽空与大家分享一些明天即将播出《皇帽瑞狮喜迎虎》第一集的幕后照片,希望大家明晚准时收看8频道,8-10 pm哦!

Stay tuned to the Carlsberg Telemovie Series, beginning tomorrow, 17 January, 8-10pm on Channel 8.

First episode featuring Zoe Tay as one of our guest stars.

Dai Yang Tian and I are best friends in the show.

Seriously on the job...

...yes, don't mess with me.

My maiden journey in a real limousine! Pornsak was supposed to be the driver, but because he doesn't have a drivers' license, production got a stand-in for him instead.

There are even LED lights on the ceiling. This is first class treatment!

Oh, was it something embarrassing?

I have a lot of fighting sequences in the show, most of which are done on my own, stay tuned for them in Episode 1.

My father is the instructor of our lion dance troupe and his character is played by Ye Shi Pin. He is here with his body double Joseph, and our director, discussing the lion's movement.

Someone made me take a photo with this lion's head without telling me why...

Then I discovered a cockroach in one of the lion's eye...

... it was the grossest thing ever!!

My father and I don't have a good relationship in the show...

...but outside of it, we love to goof around!

Basking in the glow of the afternoon sun.

My father and his all-in-one camera mobile phone.

This is our house. Why is he standing there all alone, you got to watch to find out!

This looks silly, but it's funny when you watch the video below. This is how we keep ourselves awake after a long day of filming!

Ah Jie’s Birthday ?

French Vanilla Layered Cheese Cake from JB

Doesn't it looks like Zoe's birthday?

A perfect cut!

How can the Prince of Dessert resist having a piece?

Xu Qiong Fang looks like she's endorsing it too!

I took a small bite, it's sort of springy and very milky. Not the usual dense cheesecake that we have. Thank you Ah Jie for the little treat and no, it's not her birthday cake!


谢谢前来支持《小娘惹》宣传活动的朋友, 辛苦你们了!今天真的吓坏我,竟然人山人海,水泄不通,原来这就是当大名星的感觉!哈哈!当然这只是我的幻想,嘿嘿。话说回来,你们要和这么多人挤在一起一定很难受。还是很开心《小娘惹》这么受欢迎,也希望大家继续踊跃的支持收看哦!


It's the first time I've ever seen such a massive crowd at any roadshow. Thank you all for loving "Little Nyonya" and the fervent support. Special thanks go out to the artiste managers, security guards and all colleagues from MediaCorp who helped maintain order and protect us from the swarming crowd. It was quite an experience!!










我和我的朋友 piglet! 哈哈!


Jollity 的 commitee members. 虽然没有全到,但还是很感激你们,还有其他的粉丝抽空下来支持我,还有送我的礼物、凉茶、照片等。