Dressing up with Alexander McQueen

There’s something architecturally stunning about Alexander McQueen’s final collection. I’m not a fan, but I appreciate his talent. He goes where no one else has and it’s almost refreshing to see couture designs that are actually wearable. While it could also be because now we have stars like Lady Gaga who exemplifies the otherwise OTT designs, even the usual conservative dresser like me, wants to play dress up with his clothes and pretend I’m in a spatial movie!

Because his collection is so rich, I imagined it best presented on a sleek, modern, dark platform stage, with its back wall illuminated with warm light. Then as the model makes her way down the runway that is dark, glossy and curvy, a light would follow her such that she’s the only lighted figure on stage. Never mind the medieval, religious iconography that warrants something more elaborate, the sharp contrast would allow the story to be told without stating the obvious.

His collection was eventually presented in a small, ornate room to privately invited groups of editors. Although if he was still alive, he might not have chosen to present it so simply, I still do think that the boldness and strength of his designs need no extravagant set-ups to impress.

I don't agree with the headpiece, but the fabric is arresting. It looks like a large scarf was tied around the model to make the dress. The "feathers" gives this otherwise "drapey" outfit a structure and boldness that is not too overwhelming.

The fabric looks stiff but yet it doesn't prop up the shoulders, rounding them off to for a softer feel instead. It would have been a very girlish dress if not for the neck accessory. While it looks oppressive being locked around the neck like the women of the Long Neck Karen tribe, the jagged edges of the neck piece along with the large haphazard folds of the skirt conveys a strong, domineering presence.

This outfit is ridiculously charming. It appears to have been tailored according the prints on the fabric. I can imagine that the prints would look like they are swirling on the model's body if she was walking down the runway, and as the light casts shadows in the folds of the top, this would be quite an art!

Style.com classified this as BRIDAL. If it was, I think the theme of the wedding would be "Chronicles of Narnia". She does look like the Queen from an imaginary land of centaurs and mermaids.

Doesn't look like the most comfortable outfit to put on. Because the fabric adheres to the torso of the model so lovingly, it looks like second skin, and would actually make for a great costume in a movie set in a make-belief land.

This is my favourite piece! It's actually something I would love to wear! It's so royal and pretty, conservative yet shows off the feminine body with a cinched waist. Only thing is, it would take quite an occasion to render this an appropriate costume.

4 responses to “Dressing up with Alexander McQueen

  1. wear during your wedding dinner!

  2. Lovely reviews of Alexander McQueen’s pieces- i definitely know nothing beyond his signature skull pieces (not a big fan of them either). But I do really like the first two photos, and they are definitely wearable! I think the set-up for the photos are appropriate for the inspiration- just love how the gold frames catch the colours on the dresses.

  3. This is totally random…I’m in LOOOOVVVE with the first McQueen dress!!!!! omg, love the toga style, absolutely love the PRI NT!!(looks like a painting with beautifully detailed border, gahhh i want it!!!!) but the glove on the model’s right hand looks kinda like those rubber gloves one might use to wash dishes??? looks kinda “rubber-y”, heheh but nonetheless, I WOULD TOTALLY WEAR THAT!!! (without the “washing” glove please)
    LONG LIVE THE QUEEN, in my heart =/, <333

  4. lol! i thought the models were mannequins…!
    i like to read your fashion reviews 🙂

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