
中秋节那晚,我和一位好朋友,一起喝茶,吃月饼,吃柚子,赏月,聊天。这是我们去年开始的 “传统”,因为家人都没有什么特别庆祝,所以我们两决定自搞气氛。

去年我们爬上她家的露台,搬了椅子,捧着 “月饼拼盘”,战战兢兢地在黑暗中摸索,结果还被她的女佣不小心把我们锁在露台上。她只好三更半夜,打自己家的电话,把八十岁的婆婆给吵醒了,真过意不去。还好她把手机带在身边,要不然我可要在十五的月亮下过夜,把星星当被盖咯!哈哈!今年她搬家了,那我们就只好在她家楼下的池边庆祝,虽然简单多了,但也别有一番情趣。


今晚的月亮听说特别圆,还好已经雨过天晴了,刚才才能看见月亮。好久没有这种闲情逸致,观赏大自然, 突然觉得自己很幸福,能够抬头望天,也能看的清楚。虽然是很简单的动作,但不应该是理所当然的。毕竟,还是有人在今天不能健康地与我分享这分感激。我很遗憾,但人生无常,所以我慢慢开始懂得 “不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有” 这句话的意义。






33 responses to “中秋节

  1. hi joanne ..

    well … wat to say ..

    haha .. u r reali veri pro ..

    no doubt yr busy schedule
    u still manage find time update yr blog…

    Salute!! 非常佩服..
    yr time management reali veri good ..

    庆祝中秋节阿? ..

    哈哈 .. 现在我已经没有再庆祝了, 而只是买月饼罢了..

    小时候的话就有, 我的妈妈会带我和妹妹去买灯笼和蜡烛..
    然侯等到了晚上,我们就会到楼下的游戏场所跟许多小朋友玩, 而且和我从小玩到大的邻居也会更我一起玩..

    影响最深刻的我想就是有一次我和我和我的妹妹和邻居提了一整天的灯笼, 玩累了结果打算回家.. 由于想想待会儿还会到走廊外玩所以没把会火熄灭就进门了… 不幸的就是我的妹妹灯笼里的蜡烛倒了下来, 结果就把灯笼给点着了..

    当时我和我的妹妹和邻居都被眼前的情况受了惊把灯笼仍在地上, 还好我的邻居很镇定赶紧把事情的经过告诉了我的妈妈.. 真可笑的事,我的妈妈就拿了一个藤条,向那个火不停地打,结果火就这样被扑灭了 … 从此我的妈妈就反对我和妹妹在家玩灯笼,只有在外面可以玩… 同时,经过这个教训我看我也不敢了…

    说真的时间过得真快, 很多东西已变了, 真的好坏年我的童年… 不久,我搬了家而过不久我的邻居也搬了家 .. 还好我们一直都有保持联络…

    哈哈 ..你一时的提起, 让我想起了许多童年的回忆…

    至于你所说的朋友因身体不舒服而错过和你一起庆祝中秋节的乐趣 , 我希望她能近快康复, 然后明年的中秋节你就要多一个人跟你过和分享你的快乐 … =)

    虽然我并不认识你所说的这位朋友, 但我相信她也希望自己能和你一起过中秋节 …

    Cheerz …
    Take care (^_^)

  2. hi joanne ..

    i tink this year u reali had a great experience on celebrating Mooncake festival ..

    from wat u say “在黑暗中摸索” so cool, so fun and thrilling ..

    btw as for yr fren who was unable to celebrate and share this moment with you .. you can look upon and make a wish to the 月亮 … wish dat she or he will gt well soon ..

    in da Bao Bei Fu Nu Bing u say can 对这鸡许愿… nw u 对着月亮许愿… nt bad idea right? haha

  3. oh ya ..

    btw if u happen to c shooting star even better ..

    对着流星许愿更灵… (tv shows always show like that)

  4. hi joanne

    哈哈… 有可能我比较贪心…
    我比较喜欢天长地久 …

    你说的话“不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有” 也不是没道理, 因为的确在这个世界上没用任何东西是永恒的 … 今天不知道今天的事儿明天不知道后天的事, 所以我们必需珍惜自己所拥有的一切, 快快乐乐地过每一天..


  5. hi there..did u spot a rabbit in the moon ? my cous did bt i couldnt c any rabbit =)

  6. 我也是和朋友一起度过中秋节的…
    It’s the only time when we can play with candles and fire in the park legally..opps..haha

    i guess u have enjoyed yourself a lot…
    well..me too…

  7. wow.. so gd & enjoy life.. Me too.. I also go downstair see the moon which my 3 niece & nephew.. Haha.. So fun & enjoy.. Can let me forget all the stress & tired during that time, when see the moon…

  8. 那应该是件很美好的事情吧,人们都因为忙碌,连抬头望天上月的时间都没有,我想着都只是个人的借口吧,其实心情不好是看看星空,真的能让人的心情平复下来,因为不管你生在何处,它都一样在你上方,陪伴着你。

  9. happy zhong qiu jie. [: hahas. sorry for the late wishes cos my o lvl are coming and i dun dare use comp. hahas. [: hope u have a fun tym and tc.

  10. Joanne jie,can ask u something,how do i put songs in my blog like u did in ur old blog.And u look so pretty in the show
    where the queue starts espeically the ending part so cute>…:)

  11. hello joanne my moon cake fevistal was really very fun. I and my friends all went down to play lantern and play some game i really enjoy my day with them . hope after our psle exam over we can have a gd garthering with my classmate .

  12. Happy zhong qiu jie!!! Good that you enjoyed urself, but take care, you look quite tired.

  13. Joanne,happy belated mid-autumn to u!Best wishes to ya!!!Do take gd care of yrself k


  14. hope to hear from u!Haha! Tc

  15. hi joanne …

    wow .. 你所形容自己如何怎样过中秋节, 形容得有声有色… 哈哈 … 弄得我也想参与…

    hmm .. 不错, 看来明年我也会想些点子来庆祝中秋节 … =)
    由于考试快要到了, 所以就没有时间庆祝, 而我的朋友也都忙着应付考试

    cheerz ..

  16. hiix hiix…
    zhong qiu jie quai le!
    so good u all can celebrate wif ur family! i dun even have a chance to celebrate! Tis yr i also nv eat mooncake! hai…

    [Sigin Off]

  17. wow joane jie jie… you really had a fun time. did you see a rabit in the moon?? haha . btw, did you recieve the emails tt i email you?

  18. sry joanne jie jie ,accidently spelt your name wrongly

  19. Hi Joanne.. U’re KeWL!!! =)

  20. hmmmm u still can celebrate yr mooncake fevistal

    mi celebrate at e push cart workin…

    btw my frenz saw u walk pass PS at B1 de push cart … but she nv tell mi … sob… i workink at PS de Gmask…my frenz aso got wrap yr phone be4 at far east rite….

    ok u mus tk care…. miss ya….

  21. joanne jie yoz!
    hehe, i m only celebrating zhong qiu jie wof my frens nex nex week cos got exams…
    joanne jie,
    take care kayys?
    can play, but dun sleep too late

  22. My mooncake festival this yr was spent in the office chionging work… So sianz! And i haven even touched a single mooncake this yr… Dunno y, juz dun feel like eating it… Think it’s becoz last yr ate too much, scared liao… Haha! Anyway, glad u had fun! =)

  23. hi joanne

    hw’s yr day?


    do take care =)


  24. hi joanne …

    gd nite .. sweet dreams

    i go slp le ..

    u too .. slp early kaez .. =)

  25. hi Joanne,

    This the first time that i’m reading your blog (and almost all of the archives). Its very impressive. You protrayed strong emotional pictures through your words and it gives good impression of what kind of person you are.

    You indeed have an impressive character, as you are beautiful.

    Enjoyed reading your blog very much.

  26. hi joanne:)Hope u enjoy yr day today.Happy always!!!!:)


  27. i never celebrate zhong qiu jie with anyone.. sobsob..
    but i went for a Event held at Marine Parade last Saturday with my fren! cos the residents there were celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival.. and we were in-charge of letting ppl use the telescope to view the moon! and even Jupiter(and its 4 moons)! some of them dun believe tat’s the real moon.. most of their expression was like “WOW!”.. hahas.

    even though i cant get to celebrate Mid-Autumn, i’m still very happy cos the residents in MP enjoyed themselves! =D

  28. hi joanne! glad dat u r enjoying urself on mid-autumn festival. for me, school attachment 😦 well, do take care of urself and i shall await ur new shows soon! 🙂

    `angelia 🙂

  29. Hi Joanne Jie Jie,
    I am celebrating my mid-autumn festival with my niece.Glad that you have a great time during the mid-autumn festival.I am waiting for more of your shows in year 2007.
    Yours Sincerely,
    PSLE Student.

  30. hell0s j0anne jiejie , euu veryy chi0 lehhs . ii want euur msn 0r e-mail , can mahhs . ? please .. please ..

  31. hi joanne ..

    reali veri sorry ..
    i didnt know da person whom you refer to has already left this world ..

    ps .. it was only today when i c yr previous posts den i know about it …

    sorry for my abrupt comment ..

    but i believe no matter where he is he will be giving you his blessings ..

  32. alicia-student {mediacorp extras}

    hi joanne jie jie, i hope to you in more drama shows in channel 8 & u… but now i am preparing for my final yr exam… but maybe in the nov holidays, we will meet.. hope we can meet bah.. byebye

  33. alicia-student {mediacorp extras}

    sorry type wrong.. should be i hope to see you in more drama shows..

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